Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Stuff that I've heard smart people say.

These are just a few quotes that I had scribbled on my hPDA and wanted to clean up a bit so I thought I'd just post them here. Where the source of the quote is known, the citation will follow.

"He who makes a contract with himself has a fool for a client."

"Is the day coming when we might face hard doctrine? Will we with Peter say, 'To whom shall we go, thou hast the words of eternal life?'"
Pres. Gary Rasmussen

"If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed."
St. John 8:31 quoted by Pres. Gary Rasmussen

"We have the words of the prophets. They always warn us before the firestorm."

"Of all the characteristics of the Savior, the one that I want to emulate the most is his meekness."
Elder Jay E. Jensen

"Be patient with us sisters, we are a do-it-yourself project in progress. Stick with us. Eventually it will be worth it."
Elder Jay E. Jensen

The previous quotes were recorded at the Tucson Stake conference 04/29/2007.

"There is nothing so bad that it cannot be made worse by whining."

"Man doesn't go where his mind hasn't been."

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